Sub-License Sample Clauses

Sub-License. Each Agent is hereby granted an irrevocable, non-exclusive license or other right to use, license or sub-license (without payment of royalty or other compensation to any Person) any or all Intellectual Property of Borrowers, computer hardware and software, trade secrets, brochures, customer lists, promotional and advertising materials, labels, packaging materials and other Property, for the purpose, upon the occurrence and during the continuation of any Event of Default, of advertising for sale, marketing, selling, collecting, completing manufacture of, or otherwise exercising any rights or remedies with respect to, any Collateral or other Property of any Borrower Party. Each Borrower’s rights and interests under Intellectual Property shall inure to Agents’ benefit.

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Sub-License. SECTION 3.1 General Sub-License 7 SECTION 3.2 Sub-License for Alliance Agreements 7 SECTION 3.3 Termination of Sub-License 7

Sub-License. 4.1 The Licensee shall be entitled to grant sub-licenses to any person at the Licensees upon written notice and reasonable approval to Licensor. Licensee shall require the sub-Licensee to (a) execute an agreement with identical terms and conditions to this Agreement and (b) provide an definitive copy of the sub-license agreement with the Sub-Licensee to Licensor, as a pre-condition to such sub-license. Licensor shall be included as a party of interest and beneficiary of any sub-license agreement. 5

Sub-License. To the extent, if any, that the Executive retains any right, title or interest with respect to any Inventions that he develops during his employment with the Company, the Executive grants to the Company an irrevocable, paid-up, transferable, sub-licensable, worldwide right and license (i) to modify all or any portion of such Inventions, including, without limitation, the making of additions to or deletions from such Inventions, regardless of the medium (now or hereafter known) into which such Inventions may be modified and regardless of the effect of such modifications on the integrity of such Inventions, and (ii) to identify the Executive, or not to identify the Executive, as one or more authors of or contributors to such Inventions or any portion thereof, whether or not such Inventions or any portion thereof have been modified. The Executive further waives any “moral” rights, or other rights with respect to attribution of authorship or integrity of such Inventions that he may have under any applicable law, whether under copyright, trademark, unfair competition, defamation, right of privacy, contract, tort or other legal theory.

Sub-License. 11.1 Licensee shall not sub-license the Facility and the Facility must not be used by any other party other than that named in this Agreement as Licensee.

Sub-License. The Customer may only use the software for his own needs; it is prohibited to grant sub-licenses without the prior written consent of SPI Software. The Customer may not grant, even free of charge, the right to use to third parties. This license is transferable without the authorization of the SPI Software, in case of transfer of the fund, hiring-management, merger or any other transaction at the end of which the assets of the Customer would be transferred to a third-party subject to the absence total relationship between the purchaser of the fund and a company with interests contrary to those of SPI Software.

Sub-License. Franklin hereby sublicenses to each Fund the rights granted to Franklin under the License Agreement with respect to each Fund’s applicable underlying Index listed with each Fund in Exhibit A.