The fourth edition of this bestselling book includes new chapters on note- taking for creativity, on revising for exams, examination technique, on finding your own voice, on suspending your judgement and on finding and choosing the best word as you write.
It also now contains two complete sample essays showing the effects of revising their structure and content and a new chapter showing readers how to learn most effectively from the feedback that they get from their tutors on their essays.
There is, in addition, a host of new material on the companion website, including new exercises and materials on critical thinking, on remembering through structures, material on how to improve your memory, exercises on editing and ordering your ideas during the planning stage, on writing introductions, on writing topic sentences at the beginning of paragraphs, and on how to revise the content of essays.
Unlike many essay writing books and courses, which begin with the perfect essay and then deconstruct it to show you how it works, this book begins where you begin and it uses all the creative and critical thinking skills you have to use to develop your ideas. It doesn’t ignore these in the hope that somehow you will work these out for yourself. When you have an assignment you are given just an essay title, so you have to analyse its implications, summon up all your ideas and then go off to research the key implications of the question, before you even get round to planning and writing the essay.
This book tackles all these things. It takes you through each of the five stages of essay writing, showing you how you can improve your study skills and thinking skills. It shows you simple ways in which you can deal with the most common problems that you are likely to face in writing academic assignments.
“The most comprehensive essay writing book!”