Save time with worksheet automation, instant grading and reporting

Post assignments online directly from our desktop software products. Students complete work online, with results, time spent, and student flagged questions sent directly back to you. Teachers can duplicate previous course content and create a semester of assignments in minutes

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Software for Teachers

  1. Middle School
  2. High School
  3. College
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Software Copies Sold

Kuta Software now has over 80,000 copies sold, and are adding new users every day!


Key Features of Kuta Works


Your workload has been slashed. See number and percent correct as well as time spent.

Additional Questions

Improve learning with performance-based additional questions.

Control Questions

Assign exactly the right questions every time.

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Multiple Versions

Manage answer sharing among students.

Usage Reports

See how many seats each teacher is using.

Clone Course for Following Year

Create a semester of lessons in minutes.


Standard Assignment Bank

Need some extra support? Utilize the Kuta Software bank of assignments.


Standard Courses

Clone a Kuta Software standard course as the basis for your own.