Reg CC Reference Sheet

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This Reg CC Quick Reference Sheet was developed by BOL user JeffSal. It was updated for 7/1/2020 by John Burnett. The 7/1/2020 version should be used once a depository institution implements the new Reg CC requirements.

It is a quick reference guide to what Reg CC allows or requires for funds availability. Depository institutions can make funds available faster or in greater amounts than the regulation requires.

The tool is provided in both PDF (to see what it looks like) and Excel so that you can customize it for your bank. In Excel, you can hover over the red triangular comment markers to read citations and notes.


Reg CC Quick Reference Sheet 07-01-2020

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Reg CC Quick Reference Sheet 07-01-2020 PDF for viewing

First published on 05/06/2016

Last updated on 06-11-2020